Sunday, October 23, 2011


We spent the month of Aug. traveling & camping with friends Steve & Terri.  Russ spent the first week at Hungry Horse Reservoir helping Steve install an inverter system in their RV while Terri & I picked huckleberries. It was also big, black, annoying fly season - meals were inside the screen room. Heavy snowfalls last winter made for beautiful waterfalls on the "Going to the Sun Road" in Glacier Nat'l. Park.  We explored some ghost mining towns and marveled at the hardiness of the miners and their families. Touring, a little hiking, a lot of campfires (toasted marshmellows taste great on a brownie!), a funny play at the community theatre in Philipsburg, and some beautiful Nat'l. Forest campgrounds.

Hungry Horse Reservoir

Whistling Pig

Not a bad view, huh?

Yes, we were really this close. No telephoto lens necessary.

Avalanch Lake - 5 mile hike (round trip)

Going to the Sun Road - Glacier Nat'l Park


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